TH Solidarity
The commitment of the TH Resorts group is expressed through concrete support to three non-profit organizations that carry out social initiatives capable of bringing concrete aid to families and communities, in Italy and abroad.


Sustainability Summary 2023

As a company operating in the tourism sector, we feel the responsibility to make a concrete contribution to the many social and environmental challenges that characterize today's context.

Our strategy is clear and is aimed at taking responsibility for the achievement of internationally defined sustainable development goals.

Thanks to our assets and the skills growth path undertaken, we are ready to play a leading role in the tourism sector in Italy.

Among the many initiatives carried out we have:


  • defined a best practice protocol with checks and measurements for the containment of energy and water consumption in all structures;
  • a pilot project was activated for the protection of biodiversity and the enhancement of the agricultural landscape.


The 2022 Sustainability Report responds to the Group's strategic objective of developing and strengthening its relationship with Stakeholders, strengthening both dialogue and a sense of trust in the reference community where TH carries out its activities.

Sustainability for TH Resorts

We have chosen to embark on a path towards greater environmental, social and governance sustainability.